29th December 2024

Search Ringstead Parish Council

Ringstead Parish Council Serving the people of Ringstead

Neighbourhood Plan

On 25 August 2022, North Northamptonshire Council made the Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan, which is attached below

  • Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan 2022 (PDF, 5 Mb)

    On 25 August 2022, North Northamptonshire Council made the Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan, which is attached below

  • Ringstead Basic Condition Statement (PDF, 750 Kb)

    The Basic Conditions Statement explains how the proposed neighbourhood development plan meets the requirements of paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the 1990 Town Country Planning Act and regulations

  • Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan SEA Environmental Report (PDF, 2.1 Mb)

    Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a mechanism for considering and communicating the likely significant effects of an emerging plan, and reasonable alternatives in terms of key environmental issues. The aim of SEA is to inform and influence the plan-making process with a view to avoiding or mitigating negative environmental effects and maximising positive effects. Through this approach, the SEA for the Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan seeks to maximise the Neighbourhood Plan's contribution to sustainable development.

  • Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan HRA Report (PDF, 1.5 Mb)

    The Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA) identifies whether any particular site allocations and/or policies in the Neighbourhood Plan have the potential to cause an adverse effect on the integrity of Natura 2000 or European designated sites (Special Areas of Conservation, SACs, Special Protection Areas, SPAs, and Ramsar sites designated under the Ramsar convention), either in isolation or in combination with other plans and projects, and to determine whether site-specific mitigation measures are required.

  • Ringstead Consultation Statement (PDF, 1.5 Mb)

    Contains details of the persons and bodies who were consulted about the proposed neighbourhood development plan, how they were consulted and summarises the main issues and concerns raised.

Joint Neighbourhood Plan Committee

Ringstead Parish Council set up the Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to oversee the production of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Group consists of both Parish Councillors and members of the public.

Consultation and Engagement

The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 require neighbourhood planning groups and local planning authorities to undertake publicity in a manner that is likely to bring it to the attention of people who live, work or carry on business in the neighbourhood area at particular stages of the process. Below are some details of the steps we have taken to engage the community and others in shaping the development of the Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan.

Public Information Open Event

An initial consultation event was held on Saturday 10 March 2018 at the Village Hall which was attended by 222 residents. Young people at the Primary School and Youth Group were also consulted.


In April 2018, a questionnaire survey of local households and businesses was undertaken to identify the key issues that the neighbourhood plan needs to look at. It provided an opportunity for local people to have a further say about the future of their area. A total of 165 completed questionnaires were received to this survey.

Stakeholder Consultation Workshop

In July 2018, we invited businesses, service providers, developers and others to a stakeholder workshop to raise awareness of the Neighbourhood Plan and to identify opportunities and constraints related to the future development of the parish.

Housing Site Consultation

On 14 December 2019, a 'drop in' session was arranged where residents could find out more about plans for housing development and inspect some of the proposals put forward by potential developers.

Draft Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan

Under Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, a pre-submission consultation period on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan for Ringstead ran from Monday 17 July 2020 to Monday 31 August 2020.

A copy of the Pre-Submission Draft of the Plan was made available to download, along with supporting documentation, on the Ringstead Parish Council website. A leaflet publicising the Pre-Submission Draft of the Plan was delivered to all premises within the Parish and hardcopy versions of the Draft Plan were made available on request.

All representations and comments received have been considered by Ringstead Parish Council and used to amend the Pre-Submission Draft of the Plan.


The Ringstead Neighbourhood Plan Area

Ringstead parish was designated as a Neighbourhood Area on 4 December 2017. The Qualifying Body is Ringstead Parish Council.

National Planning Policy Framework

The revised National Planning Policy Framework was updated on 19 February 2019 and sets out the government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.

The planning practice guidance to support the framework is published online.

The Local Plan

The relevant Development Plan for the area is the East Northamptonshire Local Plan. For the purposes of this Neighbourhood Plan, the relevant parts of the Local Plan 2006 - 2026 (formerly LDF) are:

On 11 April 2016, East Northamptonshire Council decided to start afresh, with the preparation of a new District-wide Local Plan Part 2.

Maintaining the Character of Ringstead

Traffic and Parking

Countryside and Countryside Access



Ringstead NDP Report of Independent Examination 280222

Last updated: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 20:16